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This 52 page, Full Color American CPR Training / American Environmental Health & Safety First-Aid Guide published by Urgent First Aid is a fast-and-easy reference written by a Team of EMS and Healthcare professionals to help lay responders assisting others that become suddenly ill or injured. 2013, 2017 (updated in 2016!)

Topics covered in this First Aid Manual include:

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  • Basic Life Support / CPR
  • Basic Life Support Chart
  • Bites and Stings
  • Bleeding and Wounds
  • Broken Bones (see Fractures)
  • Burns
  • Childbirth, Emergency
  • Choking
  • CPR (New guidelines, Full Adult, Child & Infant)
  • Cuts and Abrasions
  • Fractures
  • Frostbite
  • Head Injuries
  • Heart Attack (see Basic Life Support)
  • Heat Exhaustion
  • Heat Stroke
  • Heimlich Maneuver (see Choking)
  • Moving and Injured Casualty
  • Nosebleeds
  • Poisoning
  • Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac
  • Seizure or Convulsion
  • Shock
  • Shoulder Dislocations
  • Spine or Neck Injuries
  • Sprains and Strains

First Aid Guide/Manual with CPR & AED - 52 Pages | Full Color First Aid Booklet

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